States That Require Fire Sprinklers Installed in New Homes

Sometimes it feels like tugging at child’s arm to get him or her to go somewhere. Sometimes people are just so stubborn when it comes to installing fire sprinkler systems. It’s as if they’re unaware of all the benefits they offer. Benefits is probably an understatement; these things can and do save lives. Knowing they’re installed in your home makes you sleep easier at night. Along the same lines, firefighters know that they have some backup in the event of a fire emergency. With that said, each state has its own mandates and rules when it comes to installing fire sprinklers in the home, such as with Maryland, as discussed in this Carroll County Times article.

Maryland & California Mandate Home Fire Sprinklers

Wiley Hayes writes, “While Maryland has mandated that new home construction must include fire sprinklers, the State Fire Marshal wants residents of existing homes to install these life and property saving devices. Effective Jan. 1, 2011, Maryland began enforcing a law that required all new one- and two-family homes to have fire sprinkler systems installed. Maryland and California are the only states that have a law that mandates such sprinkler systems in new home construction, according to Deputy State Fire Marshal Bruce Bouch.”

Maryland and California should be the standard that every state aspires to be. It’s not a surprise that California, given its history of wildfires, would require new one- and two-family homes to have fire sprinkler systems installed; it’s a life or death situation for homeowners out west, especially considering the recent rash of wildfires. Maryland is a bit more of a surprise, but nevertheless, this is a good thing.

Interested in installing a fire sprinkler system in your home? Contact W&M to get the process started today!